Sample CSS color names by hue
CSS color names are limited but a faster shorthand than hex colors like #567 or advanced colors like hsla.
Note that some applications like React Native expect these names to be all lower-case rather than camelCase.
Scroll to the right for cooler colors -->
- Here's some whitesmoke text.
- Here's some gainsboro text.
- Here's some silver text.
- Here's some lightgrey text. [note spelling!]
- Here's some darkgray text.
- Here's some gray text.
- Here's some dimgray text.
Cool greys
- Here's some ghostwhite text.
- Here's some aliceblue text.
- Here's some azure text.
- Here's some lightslategray text.
- Here's some slategray text.
- Here's some darkslategray text.
- Here's some snow text.
- Here's some seashell text.
- Here's some mistyrose text.
- Here's some peachpuff text.
- Here's some darksalmon text.
- Here's some coral text.
- Here's some salmon text.
- Here's some tomato text.
- Here's some palevioletred text.
- Here's some maroon text.
- Here's some ivory text.
- Here's some floralwhite text.
- Here's some papayawhip text.
- Here's some bisque text.
- Here's some moccasin text.
- Here's some navahowhite text.
- Here's some wheat text.
- Here's some tan text.
- Here's some burlywood text.
- Here's some chocolate text.
- Here's some orangered text.
- Here's some linen text.
- Here's some oldlace text.
- Here's some lightyellow text.
- Here's some beige text.
- Here's some lightgoldenrodyellow text.
- Here's some palegoldenrod text.
- Here's some khaki text.
- Here's some gold text.
- Here's some goldenrod text.
- Here's some darkgoldenrod text.
- Here's some peru text.
- Here's some darkkhaki text.
- Here's some olive text.
- Here's some olivedrab text.
- Here's some darkseagreen text.
- Here's some darkolivegreen text.
- Here's some mintcream text.
- Here's some honeydew text.
- Here's some lemonchiffon text.
- Here's some greenyellow text.
- Here's some chartreuse text.
- Here's some palegreen text.
- Here's some mediumspringgreen text.
- Here's some seagreen text.
- Here's some lightcyan text.
- Here's some paleturquoise text.
- Here's some aquamarine text.
- Here's some mediumaquamarine text.
- Here's some lightseagreen text.
- Here's some mediumturquoise text.
- Here's some turquoise text.
- Here's some aqua text.
- Here's some darkturquoise text.
- Here's some darkcyan text.
- Here's some teal text.
Bright blues
- Here's some azure text.
- Here's some lightblue text.
- Here's some lightskyblue text.
- Here's some skyblue text.
- Here's some deepskyblue text.
- Here's some dodgerblue text.
Dim blues
- Here's some aliceblue text.
- Here's some lightsteelblue text.
- Here's some powderblue text.
- Here's some cornflowerblue text.
- Here's some cadetblue text.
- Here's some steelblue text.
- Here's some royalblue text.
- Here's some slateblue text.
- Here's some darkslateblue text.
- Here's some lavender text.
- Here's some lavenderblush text.
- Here's some thistle text.
- Here's some plum text.
- Here's some orchid text.
- Here's some mediumorchid text.
- Here's some darkorchid text.
- Here's some mediumpurple text.
- Here's some blueviolet text.
- Here's some rebeccapurple text.
- Here's some indigo text.